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Animal Farm PDF by George Orwell (1945)

    📚 Book NameAnimal Farm
    👨‍🏫 AuthorGeorge Orwell
    📄 Pages44

    Get Animal Farm PDF by George Orwell at EnglishPDF:

    Animal Farm PDF is a satire, written by George Orwell and published for the first time in 1945.
    This work has been adapted into several cinematographical, musical and anime works, and it is renowned all over the world.

    George Orwell is a famous British writer and journalist, one of the most renowned British writers of all time.

    Animal farm is an amazing story by the renowned British writer George Orwell, he is wildly known for his skills in political satire.
    This story is no different, it displays the thin line between idealism and realism making it an artistic masterpiece.


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    Animal Farm PDF’s Cover:

    Animal Farm PDF George Orwell EnglishPDF


    Diving into Animal Farm PDF by George Orwell:

    This beautiful tale tells the story of a drunk lazy farmer who mistreated his animals, one day he was drunk to the point where he forgot to feed his livestock.

    This created a riot in the farm, the situation escalated and turned into a full-on rebellion led by two pings named Napoleon and Snowball.
    After the success, of this mission, peace was restored. At first, the new “government” was founded on principles that promote equality and solidarity between all the animals that witnessed the suffering caused by the previous ruler.

    But then slowly but surely, this very foundation started to get corrupted. Once the animals lost sight of what brought them closer in the first place, they had no reason to stay true to each other.

    Animal Farm PDF is a wonderful work by George Orwell on how power corrupts all things is simply a must-read, his work on political satire has influenced numerous writers and political thinkers of our modern day.


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