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The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF by Edward Kellog Strong (1922)

    📚 Book NameThe Psychology of Selling Life Insurance
    👨‍🏫 AuthorEdward. K. Strong
    📄 Pages510

    Get The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF by Edward Kellog Strong at EnglishPDF:

    The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF is one of the oldest and the most famous entrepreneurship/salesmen manual, written by Edward Kellog Strong and published for the first time back in 1922.

    Edward K. Strong is an American professor of applied psychology who dedicated his life to career theory and development.

    He mainly studied career theory and its relationship with the principles of organizational psychology. After training several insurance salesmen, he decided to write this manual.

    This book is the first of his 6 officially published books.

    The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF’s Cover:

    The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF Edward K. Strong EnglishPDF


    Diving into The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF:

    Life insurance is a tricky business; a human being signing a pact that insures his own life.

    It is a bit weird, to say the least, but people still do it, quite a lot actually. The fact that people can and often agree to put insurance on their own life is a bit fascinating, in more simple terms a living human being agrees to pay extra charges in order to claim a lot of money when he dies.

    Yet sales rep work hard every day trying to secure deals with people, and it’s working the life insurance business proved to be quite rewarding.

    The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance PDF, written by Edward K. Strong, is an overview of everything you need to know about selling life insurance, it mainly focuses on the psychological aspect of life insurance; how the client sees it and how he perceives it.

    Life insurance reps have been for quite a while spending serious investment on brain research that can help them create a structure for selling life insurance.

    This book talks about the various methods that life insurance companies use in order to attract their clients and secure a proper deal.

    This is an amazing reference for people who want to understand more about life insurance and the psychology behind it.


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